We transformed IUCN’s proposition, starting with a key insight. In nature, species don’t just exist, but coexist. When one becomes threatened, the whole system is at risk – including us. So, when we talk about "saving the planet," we really mean saving ourselves. This gave new meaning to the brand name of IUCN’s initiative: Save Our Species.
To communicate this idea in a compelling way, we built our brand around a simple metaphor. Dominoes capture the fragility of nature's equilibrium, showing how our actions define our impact – and ultimately, can keep nature standing.
This concept led naturally to flexible graphics, logos, stories, and videos. We used adaptable typography to tell IUCN’s tales at different scales, from specific species to broader ecosystems. The interdependency of each element demonstrated the urgency of the challenge, with nature always on edge.
Bronze Cannes Lion
D&AD Wood Pencil / Branding / Brand Refresh
Using visual metaphors and malleable assets, we changed the way people see their role in preserving our planet. IUCN Global Communications Director, Ricardo Tejada, called it: “a stroke of genius, telling the whole story in one look.”
“By leveraging the strength of design on delivering complex stories, Landor & Fitch helped us create the new IUCN Save Our Species brand. The story told through the domino and its ability to embody multiple stories appears today as evidence for us and for our audience, testament to the strategic thinking and the creativity brought into this work.” — Maud Williams, Communications & Business Engagement Manager, IUCN